Burlington, Vermont
This year INSTINCT expands into two spaces, the Black Box Theater and The Great Room Studio for increased offerings.
- Offerings include:
* ANIMAL Dance Premiere (Sat Jan 4, 7pm & Sun Jan 5, 2pm)
* Moving Bodies/Dancing Lives with Maree ReMalia (M-F, 10-11:30am)
* Countertechnique with Maya LaLiberte (W-F, 2-3:45pm)
* Butoh Awakening: Crafting Presence in Performance with Meshi Chavez (T-TH, 6-8pm)
* Horton Dance Workshop with Samantha McLoughlin (Mon 2-3:30pm) * Ecotone Performance Installation by Ellen Smith Ahern and Menghan Wang (Mon 6-7:30pm)
* Let's Make a Dance Workshop with Chloe A. Shafer (Tues 4-5:30p)
- * Creation Track: A week-long incubation period for artists wanting to make or refine dance work. The Creation Track includes 10+/- hours of shared rehearsal space, a performance slot in a work-in-progress showcase at the Black Box Theater on January 10th & shared promotion including your bio on the festival website, and a feature on the Animal Dance Instagram.
* Throughout the week, festival participants are also invited to co-facilitate a community practice share/jam, or rejuvenate in the community down time/silent space.
Please come in-person to register for the festival, beginning January 6th! We will post nightly to our instagram stories @animaldancevt with the next day's openings.
ANIMAL Dance Performance tickets will be available at the door.
Special thanks to our 2025 festival sponsors, without whom this event would not be possible!
* Special thanks to the INSTINCT Dance Festival space host sponsor: Main Street Landing Performing Arts Center!
* The 2025 Instinct Dance Festival is partially funded by a “Community Fund” grant from Burlington City Arts, a "Vermont Arts Project" grant from the Vermont Arts Council, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Vermont Community Foundation, and donations from the Waterwheel Foundation and Northfield Savings Bank.
*The Loom Ensemble acts as the fiscal sponsor for ANIMAL Dance, helping us to achieve unique events and offerings for the public. Via Loom Ensemble, we are able to accept your tax-deductible donation to support this project. Please be in touch if you are interested in being a 2025 donor! instinctdancefest@gmail.com
Top photo by Garret Jones of Maree ReMalia's "slants/take away the mountain"
Main Street Landing Performing Arts Center
60 Lake Street
3rd Floor- Black Box and Great Room Studio
Burlington, VT 05401
United States