Day-long retreat for you to deepen connection to self, earth, and the creative source. Explore the Persephone archetype and her symbols-to uncover the subconscious treasures hibernating within. Kundalini meditation, skillfully-facilitated art making and nature based, playful, restorative movement; a somatic journey, both cozy and adventurous.
Gathering in lovely spaces to playfully explore, make artistic discoveries, reset the nervous system, and find nourishment. Loving facilitation and hot meal provided.
Two retreats, Feb. 11th 10am-4pm Charlotte, VT
March 24th 10am-4pm Burlington, VT
Contact to register.
Sliding scale $75-$150 or pay what you can
Locations different for each event. Feb. 11th Charlotte, Vt, March 24th Burlington, VT
Burlington, VT 05401
United States