When separated from life, creativity can seem unattainable- like a task or a chore, or something else on the to do list to try to make time for. Often, the pressure increases to have to make something brilliant if we are going to go to the studio, since it feels like there is such little time in our day-to-day lives. But the truth is, being able to tap into our unique expression is not separate from survival. Art is a vital force that can support how we show up in relationships, to our jobs and families, and the way in which we participate in community. We are all innately creative- and we are all unique artists that have so much to express. Finding our voice, and understanding our inner world, is critical to the way we participate in life.
This weekend retreat honors the complexity of creating, and provides a fun, restorative and supportive atmosphere to make, experiment, and create, without any pressure of it being “good” or “right.” Over this weekend, the correct path of creation and expression will be the one that is filled with a sense of light, the path that feels available to follow and discover, right here and right now. Scribble for an hour? Dance wildly and collapse to the floor? Compose the chorus to a new song? Whatever you make & do here is yours to keep, or yours to release. The chances of you magically starting the beginning of a new piece are equal to the chance of making something that feels useless but helps you jump over a previous hurdle.
We will spend time both bringing ourselves into internal contemplative and creative practices, as well as creating, and potentially, sharing with new colleagues across the group. Artists will be guided in accessible movement sessions, creative and reflective exercises, compositional prompts, and upbeat tactics of release. To be an artist is to experiment, to make time to try, fail, succeed and surrender. This is the weekend to let go and trust in yourself, that whatever arises is what is meant to be expressed.
Our instructor, Hanna Satterlee, is an interdisciplinary dance-based artist, and always honors the physical form first, treating our body as the sanctuary, the temple, the place of devotion and adoration. Thus, many of the practices will be movement-forward, but the bulk of the creative time is meant for artists of all genres to create through their own medium, or to try something new. Bring any materials you may need to experiment and play.
More info about the schedule, retreat center, facilitators, pricing and registration link:
WildHeart Center for Embodiment and Performance
183 East Road
Wallkill, NY 12589
United States