Nicole Burke

Steward and founder of Golden Well Sanctuary, Nicole Haciba Burke has been working in the healing and transformative arts since 2006. She has formal training in Aikido, traditional Japanese Medicine and Acupressure, has completed an apprenticeship in Native American Shamanic Healing, and has been initiated into and deeply immersed in the Path of Pollen, an ancient tradition of European Honeybee Shamanism taught by Kate Shela, Naomi Lewis and Simon Buxton at the Sacred Trust in the U.K., for over a decade. It is the Path of Pollen that informs and inspires much of her work and daily practice.

In addition to her formal training, Nicole’s dynamic approach to healing and ceremonial work is also inspired by her diverse cultural background and experiences as a mother, artist, designer, writer, organic vegetable farmer, beekeeper, and a world adventurer.

She is the visionary behind, co-founder and steward of Golden Well Sanctuary in New Haven, Vermont where she facilitates monthly moonlodges,  ceremonies, apprenticeship programs (including Voices of the Well) and various retreats.  She is also available for one on one healing work and Shamanic counseling.